Wineskins Part 3!

It's that time again!

Mark's Topic for the up-coming Wineskin Talks is...


Should be great!

Dates are March 12, 19, 26 and April 2
At BCNZ (Auckland campus)

Hope to see you there!

Be sure to RSVP by clicking the link above...



Anonymous said...

Hi Dale. Last night was very much the big picture. I'm sensing the desire to get into specifics now: So what does it mean to be human? How do we make a difference? What does faith look like if its about being human not being Christian? etc etc. I'd appreciate any input on what people would most like to walk through from here. Mark

dale said...

Thanks Mark. Indeed, most Christians agree when things are more general (i.e. - we've got to be 'real' Christians, not 'fake' ones), but things get interesting when we get more specific (dare I say 'challenging') as to just how that 'real' faith may actually motivate us to live! :) Hopefully we can get a bit of discussion here as well...
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I wonder how we get a conversation started.